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Chocolate Cake Recipes We Love

By: Donna Monday

If you're a chocolate cake lover like I am, then you're already aware that it's the best and most popular dessert ever created - at least for all of us chocolate lovers.

There's something comforting about a dark, rich, moist piece of chocolate cake with creamy chocolate icing on top. No wonder people perk up when they see that someone's serving up chocolate cake. Frowns turn into smiles, bad moods turn happy, grumbling turns into giggles. Yep, chocolate cake has the power to lift up weary spirits.

Did you know that chocolate cake can come in a surprising variety of recipes? That's right. The plain chocolate cake can be spiced up, molded, and filled with a variety of tasty goodies. Here's a small sample of some great chocolate cake recipes you can easily find online.

Chocolate chip cheese cake, German chocolate cake, jelly roll chocolate cake, chocolate kraut bundt cake, chocolate fudge cake, white chocolate mud cake, chocolate crème cake, chocolate eruption cake, chocolate wedding cake, chocolate caramel cake, rich chocolate cake, flourless chocolate cake, chocolate and orange cake, sour cream cake with chocolate, chocolate lava cake, chocolate banana cake, chocolate dump cake, molten chocolate cake, chocolate cherry cake, chocolate chip cookie cake, chocolate éclair cake, chocolate pudding cake, vegan chocolate cake, chocolate mousse cake, chocolate mayonnaise cake, chocolate chip pound cake, chocolate volcano cake, chocolate rum cake, chocolate zucchini cake.

If that list doesn't make you wanna whip up your own chocolate cake indulgence, then I don't know what will. Personally, I don't care what you put in it, just make it taste moist and good. The best chocolate cake is one that satisfies the taste buds and puts a smile on your face.

About the Author:

Copyright 2005
Donna Monday
Easy to make - fun to drink

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