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Helen's Fantastic Fishcake Recipe

By: Helen Porter

Homemade Fishcakes - simple as simple gets. This makes 8 good sized fish cakes

Put 4 large baked potatos in the oven, gas mark 220. Rub sea salt into the skins and then turn the potatoes every 20 mins or so. They will take about 1 hour and 45 minutes.

When the potatos are nearly ready, get a baking tray and place foil down - leave enough so you can wrap the fish up!

Place 3 salmon fillets and 2 cod fillets onto the tray. Sqeeze a little lemon and drizzle a little white wine if you have any! Wrap the fish up and cook for 12-15 minutes or untill cooked. Please low down the oven as opposed to the top where the potatoes should be

Once cooked take the potatoes and fish out. Leave both to cool.

Flake the fish and the inside of the potato into a bowl, add salt, pepper and a few knobs of butter.

Lightly blend the mixture, but be carefully not to mash! Add about 2 handfuls of finely chopped spring onions and about 1 handfull of finely chopped parsley.

Once all the mixture is together, put in a fridge and leave for a few hours untill chilled.

Once chilled you can make the mixture into round patty shapes and again leave to chill for at least half an hour

You then have 2 options

Option 1 - lightly dust in seasoned flour (sale & pepper) flour and fry straight away


Option 2 - dust in flour, then in eff then in breadcrumbs. Dont buy shopped breadcrumbs use some bread toast it and crunch up to make your own crumbs but remember season them!

Serve with a wedge of lemon and salad with perhaps a oil and balsamic reduction dressing

About the Author:

Helen Porter, internationally acclaimed celebrity chef, writes almost exclusively for the free recipe site to supercharge YOUR cooking!

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