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Bedroom Makeovers: Storage Solutions

The bedroom is the place where we sleep, get dressed, watch TV, talk on the phone as well as the obvious. We use our bedroom as our dumping ground for all our clothes, makeup, shoes, books, magazines and everything else that we don`t want cluttering up the rest of the house. Storage is essential in the bedroom and can either be hidden out of sight or can be used as a feature. Here are some ideas to help you turn your bedroom into a clutter free zone.

Clean out
Come on ladies it is time to let go of all them old letters, that red dress that you haven`t worn since your friends wedding 5 year ago. Yes it`s clear out time. Have you more clothes then wardrobe? Do you wear half of them? if you don`t it`s time to get rid of them the same goes for any cosmetics that haven`t been used for the last six months. Have a full clean out and you will be surprised at how much space you will have remember if it doesn`t belong in the bedroom get it out.

It`s in the bed
The bed is the biggest and most used piece of furniture in the room so why not use it for storage too. Divans with built in draws are ideal for storage MFI has some of the best divans. If you don`t want to buy a new bed there are a lot of under bed storage solutions such as chrome baskets on castors. A set of 2 for only £24.99 from Next. Another great under bed storage is vacuum storage bags only £14.99 from Index Extra.

Making the most of your wardrobe
There is a lot you can do with a plain wardrobe. Make the most out of your wardrobe by filling it with as much of your things as space allows.
Use storage boxes to fill the bottom of your wardrobe to store all of your treasured items. Or you could make your own by decorating some shoe boxes with wrapping paper.
If you have a an alcove you could make your own wardrobe. All you need is a 2 broom shanks, 4 thick pieces of wood and material of your choice. (You could use a curtain to match your window). Cut out a slot in the wood so that the broom shanks fit neatly into place. Screw the the first 2 bits of wood to each of the walls in the centre fix the broom shank in place and you have your hanging space. Now do the same with the other bits of wood and broom but screw them to front of the alcove. Sew tabs onto the material (unless you are using a tab top curtain) now hang it from the broom and wahla your very own free standing wardrobe.

Using your furniture
Use your furniture as extra storage. An ottoman at the bottom of your bed works great as a seat and will keep all of your blankets in try Freemans for a wide selection.
You can buy a pine slatted storage box from Home Base for only £14.99. Cushion it and turn it into a window seat/storage box.
I found a great folding storage screen for only £29.99 from Index. With 76 pockets you can store CDs, photos, jewelry all most any thing and it looks very decorative. This has got to be the most practical storage I have yet to see.

On the wall

Shelving is a must for books and all your little trinkets and things. There is so many different shapes, designs and materials you can get and most are very cheap.

Decorative touches
Add some decorative touches to your room and at the same time keep your things neatly stored away.
Hat boxes make great storage for anything and stood on top of each other with the smallest on top they look great too.
Use old cereal boxes to keep your mags off the floor. Cut the top and one corner off, decorate it using wall paper or wrapping paper and you have a magazine tidy that looks great.

There is no limit to storage and with a bit of imagination you can do anything. I hope these ideas have some use to you.

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