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Filling In Application Forms

Application forms are designed to screen you out rather than to get you in. Because of this you need to put a lot of thought and research into answering each question, to be competitive in your application.

Always provide detailed information - This is the perfect opportunity to highlight those aspects of your life and career that the recruiter will be interested in.

Make good use of the space provided for each answer by being as comprehensive as possible. How you answer the questions on the form will give the recruiter a picture of you and what you can offer the company.

Remember this is the only chance you have of getting an interview so take your time and do the best you can. Here are some great tips to help you out.

Open a personal file and collect together all the information you will need to fill in in an application form - such as your CV, certificates, letters of reference. Keep extra copies of these documents to enclose with application forms.

Research the company you are applying to before filling out the form - to help you focus your answers on meeting the company's needs. It will help your application stand out.

Make photocopies of the application form to practice on. Keep the original form for your final draft.

Read through the form carefully making sure you understand all the instructions and questions.

Draft your answers in rough first. Think carefully how you are going to convey your skills and abilities through the questions asked, and bearing in mind the research you have done on the company.

Check spelling and punctuation, and get a friend or colleague to double-check it for you! NOW complete the original form neatly in black ink.

Remember to enclose certified copies of the required documents with your application.

The most important thing is don't tell lies a skilled interviewer will quickly uncover any inconsistencies if/when you are interviewed

Make a copy of your completed application before submitting it: it is valuable to have a record of exactly what you said in the form in case you get called for an interview.

Make sure you get it in before the closing date and allow extra time for the slow postage!

Now cross your fingers and wait.

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Working From Home During School Holidays
Career Success: Get Ahead of the Crowd
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Writing a CV: What Not to Include
Writing a CV: What to Include